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Find a course

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Society accredited courses offer a range of teaching methods to suit your personal circumstances - some are classroom based, some online and some with a blend of both ranging from 2 years full-time to 4 years part-time.  The academic level of all our accredited courses is HE level 6, equivalent to a first degree. We work closely with all our accredited colleges to ensure you get all the skills, training and education you need to become a practising homeopath. Click on the individual courses below to find the one that’s best for you.


Membership whilst you’re studying


Student Essentials membership is free for all students studying on one of our accredited courses. You also have the option to upgrade to Student Plus or Student Clinical membership, with access to additional tools and resources to help make your journey to qualification that bit easier.


We also welcome students studying on courses not accredited by the Society and you can find out more here.

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Allen College of Homoeopathy

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The Contemporary College of Homoeopathy

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The Centre for Homeopathic Education

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The Homeopathic College of East Anglia

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North West College of Homeopathy

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The School of Homeopathy

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South Downs School of Homeopathy

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The Welsh School of Homeopathy

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